
Archive for the ‘Everything Else’ Category

Shine Your Sink

My life is very different now than it was a year ago.  A year ago, I got up and went out to work everyday.  I worked 8-9 hours a day for 2 adult men, in nice clothes, and then came home.  Now I get up and never leave the house.  I work 24 hours a day for a very pint-sized little girl.  No weekends, no holidays, no time and a half.

However, I will say she’s the best boss I’ve ever had, although slightly needy, and it’s the best job I’ve ever had.  I don’t wear nice clothes anymore, and I always have the faint smell of spit-up in my nose.  Parenthood is so glamorous.

Anyway, in my quest to become a domestic goddess, I decided it was time to get organized…get on a schedule.  At the same time, my Mom has retired and is ready to do the same thing, albeit for different reasons.  It’s good to have an accountability partner to make sure I’ve swish and swiped for the day….

We have shined our sinks and gotten started with FlyLadyIt’s a really great way to help you get your life in order, basically.  She gives you really quick and easy ways to get your home cleaned up and keep it there.  I don’t have the time to spend several hours in one day cleaning, nor do I want to, so this is great for me.  I’ve adapted it a bit to my own needs, having a baby to take care of.  I organize my tasks into nap time slots.  But it’s great.  One of her big things is to get up every morning, make your bed, and shower, get dressed, do your makeup and hair.  That’s definitely something I had neglected the last few weeks, but it really does make you feel better.  Going around in PJ’s all day makes me feel sloppy, and when I feel sloppy I’m less productive.  Now I don’t have to worry about if the mailman were to come to the door, or we had a fire and I had to run out of the house.  I’m actually presentable.  And that makes you feel better.

I’ve also discovered Pepperplate, but I’ll tell you all about that next time.  Plus, I’ve actually started scrapbooking, and *gasp* cutting a quilt!

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I’m not one of those people that can talk to a brick wall.  I’d rather just sit and look at the wall.  I can’t start up a conversation with a stranger, and I’m not big on crowds, they make me nervous.  But people fascinate me.  I’m definitely a people watcher.  An observer.

Tonight my husband and I decided to brave the pre-holiday crowds at Walmart because we needed toilet paper.  When we saw the parking lot, I told him just to drop me off at the front door, and I’d ‘run in’.  I made it to the toilet paper aisle and back up to the check out area pretty quick.  But that’s where I got stuck.  I was debating between the ‘self-check’ lanes, and the ‘express’ lanes.  The self-check is always a gamble.  It could go quick, unless someone is checking out some sort of produce, something really lightweight, or someone who is also talking on their cell phone as they’re checking out (DON”T GET ME STARTED ON THAT).  Or someone with a lot of coupons.  But, there were 4 self-check’s open, and only 2 express, both with long lines.   So I stood there for a minute studying the people in line to see if they looked like lollygaggers, studying what items they had, analyzing my best route for a quicker escape.

I finally decided on the express line, and just as I got into the back of the line, the lady turned her light off.  There was a man standing right in front of me, who had apparently been watching me, and said, “It’s hard to pick a line, huh.”  At this point, I kind of panic.  The whole ‘having a conversation with strangers thing’.  Reference paragraph one.  So I say something in agreement to his statement, and then mention that she turned off her light so I think I’ll go to the next line.  But he informs me that I was already in line when she turned off her light, so she has to check me out, that’s the way he looks at it anyway, so I should just stay in line.  And I do.  And in the roughly 7 minutes that I’m in line, he proceeds to tell me about his night, and I thought I would share it with you all.  It went something like this…

He had actually just come from the mall, which was crazy because it was even more crowded than Walmart, but he got really lucky because he knew what store he wanted to go to, so he picked the door that he thought was closer, he parked by the food court and went in and went down the escalator and the store was just right there so he got in and got what he wanted and got out fairly quick and he did good because he got the 4th parking spot in the row, so it wasn’t as bad as he thought it would be, and normally he wouldn’t have gone to the mall at this time of year, but he has a 13 year old daughter who has only been talking about this one thing that she really wanted, and she’s had a hard time this  because he and his wife got divorced and it’s been really hard on her, so he really wanted to get this one thing for her, and it’s that open hearts necklace that Jane Seymore talks about on the TV, and she’s just been talking so much about it, so he went in to get it for her, and he looked at the kids version and it was only about this much smaller than the adult version (he estimated the difference in size with his fingers) so he decided to go ahead and get her the adult version because she could wear it longer, and then the salesman talked him into getting the matching earrings, and she’s at the age right now where she’s really into dangly earrings and so these are good because they’re sterling silver, and the part that goes through your ear is a little sterling silver ball, and then the open heart part hangs down, so he’s excited because she’s going to have a really good Christmas, and then he decided to stop into Walmart because he needed to get some snacks because he’s on this new diet where he’s trying to cut out sugar, and so he found that he really likes this particular kind of frozen fruit and he gets the cherries and the pineapples, and the cherries are good but the pineapples are especially good and they’re all natural with no extra sugar so he’s really glad that he found something like that.

And then he asked me something about how I was able to get my Mom to just drop me off at the front door.

Yall don’t know this about me, but I look a lot younger than I am.  When people guess my age they usually guess about 6-9 years younger than I am.  And so when I’m out by myself, I often get things like that.  I’ve even had people call on the phone and ask to talk to my parents.  AND I HATE THAT!!!  It’s one of my pet peeves.  Or when somebody calls me ‘sweetie’ or ‘honey’.  Oh my, that gets me riled up.  But of course I never say anything.  And I know that I live in the South and that’s just what people say down here, and they usually don’t mean anything by it, but it just gets me really worked up.  And it’s hilarious when I’m out with my husband and someone calls me one of those names because he knows how mad it makes me, but I just smile, and he gets such a kick out of it.  ANYWAY, sorry for that tangent.

So, that was my adventure at Walmart tonight.  If that man happens to read this, I really enjoyed your story and Merry Christmas!

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Last night, under the influence of some Advil PM, I started belting out some tunes I remember from years looong past.  Does anyone remember The Nylons?  I had their ‘Happy Together’ tape, and I listened to it over and over and over again.  I started listing some of the titles I remembered, and my husband pulled them up on his iPhone.  Once the music started playing, I was shocked at how much of the lyrics I could still sing.  Isn’t it funny how it’s so hard to remember some things, but other things you can remember even if you haven’t sung them for 20 years?  Crazy.

My favorite songs off this tape were ‘Happy together’, ‘Chain gang’, ‘This Island Earth’, ‘It’s what they call Magic’, and ‘Kiss him goodbye’.  I also LOVE their version of ‘The Lion Sleeps Tonight’, and I would swear it was on my tape, but the info on their website says it was on a different album of theirs, so who knows.

Anyway, just wanted to give a shout-out to The Nylons, and see if anyone else ever listened to them.  Can I get some Nylon love?  Anybody?  Woot Woot!

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Infertility.  Wow, what a topic.  This is a post that I’ve sat down to write many times but couldn’t.  Somehow my words didn’t seem good enough.  This is such an emotional topic for so many women, I didn’t think I could do it justice.  I know infertility is a very personal journey, experienced differently by each woman.  I wanted to share with you my story, and the decisions that I’ve recently made.  By no means am I saying that everyone has felt what I’ve felt, or should do what I’m doing.  This is just how I’m being led.  And I realize that I’m just at the beginning of this journey.  Many women have struggled much longer and gone through much darker times.  I know even with  my own experience, I can only begin to imagine what some have felt. 

“Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with Thanksgiving, present your requests to God.”  Philippians 4:6-7

The newspapers tell me that fertility is now an epidemic in this country.  I don’t see that.  Since finding out that my husband and I can’t get pregnant, it seems like everyone I know, work with, or see in the grocery store is pregnant.  Every commercial and Hallmark movie is about babies.  Beautiful, glowing pregnant women are coming out of the woodwork.  No, I don’t see an epidemic.  I see me as being the only girl in the world that can’t have a beautiful, bouncing baby of my own.  But let me back up a little…

“Give ear to my words, O Lord, consider my sighing.  Listen to my cry for help, my King and my God, for to you I pray.  In the morning, O Lord, you heard my voice; in the morning I lay my requests before you and wait in expectation.”  Psalm 5:1-3

My husband and I have been talking about having kids since we got married: when we wanted to have them, how many we wanted, and all our hopes and dreams for our future family.  We decided that 2009 was the time.  We were so excited.  I had been on birth control for most of 10+ years, but of course everyone has a story of how ‘so and so’ got pregnant just 2 weeks after going off the pill.  The doctor said it didn’t matter.  Fast forward a few months and nothing has happened.  A friend gives me a book to read about fertility, and suggests I go talk to my doctor, so I do.  Doc tells me that I’m just getting myself worked up and that’s nothing wrong, but says she’ll run some labs ‘just in case’.  I get a call a week later telling me I have polycystic ovarian syndrome and that I won’t be able to get pregnant without fertility drugs. 

It took a while for that news to sink in.  I would have to take fertility drugs.  Wow, that’s not at all how I saw this going.  Fertility drugs meant all sorts of scary things to me.  But more than that, I mourned not being able to have kids on my own.  I mean, I’m a woman, that’s what women are supposed to do.  We grow up and have babies.  Why can’t I do that?  I had severe guilt.  I wondered, and sometimes still do, what God is punishing me for.  I know I’ve screwed up a lot in my life, and made a lot of bad decisions.  I wondered which one brought this consequence.  I wondered if I somehow did this to myself at work.  That time I spilled chemo on my hands…that time I should have worn gloves and didn’t, did I do this?  And my goodness, the overwhelming guilt towards my husband.  My sweet, beloved husband who wants kids even more than I do.  Why can’t I do this for him?  I cried myself to sleep so many nights those first couple of weeks.  I begged my husband to please forgive me, and that I was so sorry I couldn’t do this for him.  Wondering if he looked at me any differently.  Guilt that I couldn’t give our parents the grandchildren they wanted so much.   Wondering if it was because God didn’t think I’d be a good parent, or that I didn’t deserve kids.  And there was the anger.  The, “It’s not fair”.  Look at all the women that have babies that don’t even want them, why can’t a couple who wants one so badly not have one?  And I felt ashamed.  I didn’t want anyone to know, especially my family.  I didn’t want anyone to know there was something wrong with me.  And I prayed.  I begged God to allow me to get pregnant.  And I googled.  I googled PCOS and learned everything I could about it…how common and overdiagnosed it is.  I read all about how if I was able to get pregnant, how much higher a chance I had for miscarriage, complications, and stillbirths.  Those first few weeks were such a roller coaster of emotion.

“And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.”  Romans 8:28

Before I started taking the drugs, the doctors wanted to do blood work for a month and see where I stood.  I prayed harder in that month then I’ve ever prayed before.  I was terrified to take fertility drugs.  It seemed like a point of no return.  I was terrified of having multiples.  I was terrified of awful side effects.  And I was terrified of them not working.  So I prayed that God would allow me to get pregnant without them.  That I could conceive all on my own.  And nothing happened.  So the doctors decided to put me on Clomid, a very run-of-the-mill, common ovulation drug.  The one that works for everyone.

“Be still before the Lord and wait patiently for Him…”  Psalm 37:7a

As a Christian, I had trouble starting to take the Clomid.  I had been praying so hard that God would allow me to be pregnant without fertility aids or procedures.  But I felt that at the core of it, I was really telling God that I wanted Him to allow me to be pregnant now, and that if He didn’t come through this month, I was going to go ahead and take the drugs anyway.  Like I was telling Him I would give Him these 4 weeks, and then I was going above His head.  Like going above His head is even possible.  But it just felt wrong.  I knew that deep down my motivations were wrong.

As a nurse, I had trouble not taking the Clomid.  I mean, why would you not explore every medical avenue you can?  That’s what I do for a living, afterall.  If there’s a drug for it, why would you not take it?  And I was impatient.  I didn’t want to just sit around and do nothing month after month.  I thought the drugs would speed things up. 

As a woman desperate to have a baby, I would explore every possible outlet to make this happen, whatever the cost.

One of the hardest things about this whole process is the build-up and disappointment.  You start the beginning of your cycle so optimistic.  It’s going to work this time.  There’s a plan.  You take these drugs these days, and then you get lab work on these days.  And you wait.  You wait and wait.  You pay attention to every tiny detail and change that your body makes.  Looking for signs.   Then you get to the magic Day 21 and go get blood drawn.  And then you wait for results.  Sure it worked this time.  And then you get the call.  Nothing.  Nothing happened.  You didn’t respond.  And the disappointment is overwhelming.  It’s like you’re starting all over.   

So many months and 2 doctors later, nothing has happened.  Not only have I not gotten pregnant, but my body has had absolutely no response whatsoever to the drugs.   I’m pretty much maxed out on the dose, but my new doctor wants to keep trying.  And, she says I don’t have PCOS, but that I have ‘Non-specific ovarian failure’.

Failure.  That’s not a word I have a lot of experience with.  I’ve really led a pretty charmed life, all things considering, and I haven’t dealt with a lot of failure.  I consider myself a pretty stubborn and driven person.  Anything I’ve really wanted, I just made it happen.  It hasn’t always been easy, but if I wanted something bad enough, I just kept fighting until it happened.  But I can’t fight this.  It’s like an enemy without a face.  It’s something I don’t have control over, and I don’t know what to fight to get where I want.  I have to keep reminding myself that the face doesn’t really matter.  The doctors can call it by whatever name they want, but it still equals the same thing. 

And so I made a decision.  A drastic decision by most people’s standards, including my own.  I’ve decided I’m not going to take any more drugs.  No more fertility aids.  I’m just going to pray, and trust that God will heal my body, whatever the problems are, allow me to get pregnant and deliver a healthy baby.  That’s it. 

“Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you.”  Jeremiah 29:12

This is one of the hardest things I’ve done before.  Definitely the biggest leap of faith.  It goes against everything I know to just sit and do nothing about a problem.  Do nothing but pray.  My faith hasn’t been tested a lot, and this doesn’t come easy for me.  At all.  I’m not a prayer warrior.  I like to think that I have faith, and believe that God is going to answer all His promises, but I’ve never given the reigns completely over to Him. 

Jesus replied, “I tell you the truth, if you have faith and do not doubt, not only can you do what was done to the fig tree, but also you can say to this mountain, “Go, throw yourself into the sea,’ and it will be done.  If you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer.”  Matthew 21:21

There are some people close to me that know about this situation.  But this is going to be news to most people I know.  And even those that knew the big picture didn’t know the conflict I’ve had about this whole thing, and this decision that I’ve made.  There are a lot of family members that will be finding out all of this for the first time, especially my in-laws.  I’ve been so afraid for them to find out.  Afraid of what they’d think about me not being able to give their son/brother the baby he so desperately wants.  Afraid of being a failure daughter in law.

So why share all of this with all of you?  Because I want God to get 100% of the glory when I deliver the healthy baby that I am believing He’s going to give me.  I don’t want anyone to be able to say it was the drugs or the doctors.  I’ve put this all out there so that He can get all the credit.  This is the hard choice, and I still feel torn in every direction.  Part of me feels like I’m giving up on having a baby.  Another part of me feels like this must be the right thing to do since it is so hard.  And still another, very small part, is relieved.  It’s exhausting keeping this all in.  This whole journey has been so draining.  A small part of me is relieved to have it all on God’s shoulders now.  The ball is in His court.  But I fight with discouragement and doubt on a daily basis.  Hourly, really.   

Did you know that there are 7 women in the Bible who are specifically listed as being barren?  Sarah, Rebekah, Hannah, Michal, Elizabeth, Samson’s mom, and Rachel.  God gave children to 6 of these 7 women.

“Now the Lord was gracious to Sarah as he had said, and the Lord did for Sarah what he had promised.  Sarah became pregnant and bore a son to Abraham in his old age, at the very time God had promised him.”  Genesis 21:1-2

“Isaac prayed to the Lord on behalf of his wife, because she was barren.  The Lord answered his prayer, and his wife Rebekah became pregnant.”  Genesis 25:21 

“So in the course of time Hannah conceived and gave birth to a son.  She named him Samuel, saying, “Because I asked the Lord for him.”  1 Samuel 1:20

“Then God remembered Rachel; he listened to her and opened her womb.  She became pregnant and gave birth to a son and said, “God has taken away my disgrace.”  Genesis 30:22-23

I know there’s a powerful lesson to be learned by the one woman, Michal, who never had any children.  And I know I have to accept that that may be God’s plan for me.  But I truly feel in my heart of hearts, that my lesson is to be found in the 6.  That I need to cry out to the Lord, trust, and He will hear me, and give me children.  It’s the trust part that’s going to be the hardest.  And it’s going to get increasingly hard the longer it takes.  I just pray that I’m strong enough, that God picked the right person for this.  This is the scariest post I’ve ever written.  It’s definitely all out there now.  I’m scared I’m too weak, and I won’t be able to live up to it.  I’m afraid I’m not strong enough to keep trusting.  I’m afraid people will think I’m crazy.  I’m afraid it’s never going to happen.  But if I’m going to gain this great trust, this is my first step.  My first act of obedience.  I feel led to write this post for a reason that I do not know.  That there’s someone, somewhere out there that needed to read this today.  This is for her.

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I think I’m probably going to have to get a new car within the next 6-ish months.  I’m not thrilled about it, but the things wear out.  I do have to say that I’m a one-car kind of woman.  I want a car that will last a really long time, I’m not the type that wants to trade-in for something new every couple of years.  This is ole’ red.

(Okay, I can’t actually find a picture, so just get a mental image of an old busted up red car)

I drove her for almost 11 years.  She was ‘totaled’ in 2008, although the damage was just cosmetic, so I kept on driving her.  She had well over 100K miles.  The windows no longer worked and were wired shut, the seats didn’t move, the dash and window plastic was all warped up, the upholstery was hanging from the roof, the trunk was no longer waterproof, the sun visors were broken, and I could go on.  But I loved her.  Then earlier this year, she needed some very expensive repairs, and I just couldn’t justify putting any more money into her.  So we sent her away to car heaven.  That put us down to one vehicle, and my MIL graciously gave us her old truck.  Which meant that I started driving my husband’s old car.  A Saturn POC that is also 10 years old, has over 100K miles, and has to have something expensive repaired every few months.  The difference is that I’m not attached to the Saturn like I was to ole’ red.  So, while I’m not looking forward to having a car payment, I am looking forward to having something shiny and new, for the first time ever. 

I had had my heart set on a Murano.  I want a small SUV, and I thought they were really pretty.  I like the curviness of them.  But then I actually sat in one, and felt a little swallowed up.  It was too big.  And too expensive.  Plus, I felt the back glass was a little small, like I couldn’t see anything.  So I marked it off my list.

So yesterday we went car browsing just for fun.  Because it was beautiful outside and we wanted to walk around.  And car shopping is one of the Mr’s favorite things to do.  Plus, I’d like to have an idea what I want to buy when it actually gets down to time. 

First we saw this one, a Mazda CX-7.

Much more budget friendly than the Murano.  I didn’t actually get to sit in this one, so I don’t know how big it really felt, but it looked very roomy.  By this point in the outing I was very ho-hum.  I just don’t get as excited about these things as the Mr, who by the way, wants a Jetta Wolfsburg turbo thing.

Anyway, the next one I liked was the Ford Edge.

Still pretty, with that same curvy look that I love.  I was a bit overwhelmed sitting in it, but not terrible.  It’s much bigger than the little cars I’m used to, but I’m sure I’d get used to it, and become less intimidated by it.  I wouldn’t want anything bigger, for sure, but this was nice.  I really liked it.  By this time, I’m completely ‘over’ the car shopping thing, ready to go home.  But we made one last stop at another Nissan dealership.  As we were driving up and down the aisles, I spotted this one, The Cube.

My first thought was, “That’s the ugliest car I’ve ever seen!”  And then I fell in love with it.  I love the uniqueness of it.  I love the asymmetry of it.

The Mr. thinks it’s atrocious, and said he wouldn’t be caught dead driving it.  I like it because it’s the underdog of the car world, I’m sure all the other cars make fun of it.  I like the wraparound glass, the visibility is amazing.   I like that it’s bigger than a car, but not super big.  I don’t feel overwhelmed sitting in it.  And I really love the price tag, and it gets really good gas mileage.  I was definitely not ho-hum about this car.  I got all excited, jumping up and down waiting for the guy to unlock it.  I rarely get that excited about things (besides Phantom of the Opera on Broadway things).  I never get excited about a car.  Still not convinced?  Look at it again…

Is it growing on you yet?  I like it best in the ‘bitter chocolate’ color.  


Now granted, I still have to test drive all 3, but if I had to buy a car today, these would be my 3 options.  The Mazda CX-7, Ford Edge, or Nissan Cube.  What do you think?  You can tell me the Cube is ugly, you won’t hurt my feelings.  Do any of you have any personal experience with any of these cars or car brands?  Do you think I would get tired of being called the Crazy Cube Lady?

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I know I’ve been absent lately.  I can’t tell you why, exactly, except that my heart just isn’t in it.  The words aren’t coming.  But I’m still here, alive, and chugging away on all my projects.  Thank you all for the sweet words about my last post.  I truly appreciate every single one of them.

I finished my ‘Quilt for Melanie Wilkes’ top on Friday.  As soon as I get a back pieced, it’ll be off to the long-armer.  It’s about 89 inches square, and the biggest quilt I’ve got so far.  Way too big to push through my short-arm machine.  It’ll be the perfect curl-up-on-the-couch-in-front-of-a-movie-during-the-winter quilt.  Everyone should have one.


I’m halfway through with my red and aqua blocks for Jane’s quilt, and I just got my Halloween blocks in the mail today.  Haven’t opened the box yet, but will do that tonight.  I’ll post pictures of both of those when they’re done.

And, I’ve decided to get back to cooking.  I used to be a good wife and cook lots of dinners, but then I just stopped.  I’m trying 3 new recipes this week, so if I come across anything good, I’ll put them up here.

Booked a hotel this week for the the Paducah quilt show in April, and I’m so excited.  Anyone else out there going?  It’ll be my first year, but I hear it’s kind of a big deal.

Thanks everyone for hanging with me.  I’ll get my blogging mojo back eventually.  Maybe I’ll think of something worthwhile or inspiring to say soon. 🙂

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A couple weeks ago, we had a baby shower for my SIL.  And not a moment too soon because she delivered 2 days after the shower, about 3 weeks early.  Mom and baby are great!!  Here’s the diaper cake we made, and the baby monkey Lady_Belle made.


This was the great diaper bag that Cathy made for her.  When I previously talked about the box of goodies she sent me, I couldn’t show you yet.  Isn’t it great!  She did such a good  job, and it was a hit. 


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My parents have this new plant growing in the brush in their backyard.  Wikipedia tells me it’s a Passion Flower.  


Not sure how it ended up in the brush back there, but I’m glad it did.  It gives me something pretty to play around some more with the new camera and photo-editing.


But it looks like it belongs somewhere exotic like an Asian rain forest, not in the woods of Memphis.  Yes, Memphis has some woods.  And now we have Passion Flowers too.

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We had some bad storms pass few a week or two ago, and I think this tree must be one of the victims. 


I actually first spotted this tree when I was out last night, but of course I didn’t have my camera with me.  So I went out this afternoon to get a few shots.  It’s just right around the corner from where I live. 


I hadn’t gotten around to getting any photo editing software on the new computer prior to uploading these photos, but I figured now was the time.  I downloaded Picasa, which is what I used on the old computer, and Gimp.  A blogging friend uses Gimp, and I’m always so impressed with her pictures.  (Although I”m pretty sure that’s due to the quality of her shots, and not to Gimp).  Anyway, Gimp looks very involved and I’ll definitely have to do some serious learning before I use that.  So I just played a little with these shots in Picasa, the old standby.


I think the Picasa I just downloaded has a couple new features from the one I had.  Thank you to everyone who left me tips and ideas for New York.  I’d still love to hear from any of you that haven’t gotten around to commenting yet, or haven’t seen the post.  I’ve got until December, so keep ’em comin’ 🙂


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Back On Line

Well, I’m all hooked up and into the 21st century.  I’m actually all cozied up under the covers in bed as I type this.  What an amazing thing a laptop is.  I actually have been working a ton since I bought it, so tonight was the first time I got to spend any actual time on it.  It’s really nice. 

My husband had been telling me for months that instead of getting one expensive Mac laptop, he wanted to get 2 cheaper laptops, one for each of us.  I said that was such a silly idea.  Why would we need 2 computers?!  We’ve done just fine with the one desktop, why would we spend all that money for 2?  It didn’t make sense to me…

…until I bought the laptop.  Now, I have to give a quick backstory.  We just had to sell my car this past week.  MY car.  I had that car for 10 years and I loved it.  Seriously.  I went through a lot of life stages and experiences in that car.  Why did we have to sell it?  Because it got totaled last year when my husband was driving it.  Yes, I’m a bad wife and held that against him for a long time.  Anyway, the reason it was totaled was because it was so old, so the damage didn’t affect the drivability, just a little cosmetic damage.  But it did affect the insurance I could get on it, and it needed some expensive repairs we couldn’t really justify for a totaled car.  So we sold it.  The day before we bought the laptop.  And the money we sold the car for paid for the laptop.  So once we actually purchased the laptop, I all-of-a-sudden had all these super protective feelings towards it.  I felt like it was my car come back to me in a different form.  And I didn’t want my husband to touch it.

So now he has a laptop too.  I chalked it up to money spent to preserve our marriage.  I knew he would only tolerate “Wash your hands before you touch my computer” for so long.  Needless to say, I’m going to be working tons of overtime in the next few weeks.  Not only did we just get 2 laptops (mine’s better, for the record), but I also had to buy a ton of fabric for all the swaps I’m in.  So if you see me not blogging very much for a while, you can figure I’m at work.

Also, I have zero photos on the new computer.   Hence, really boring posts with no pictures.  I’ll try to rectify that soon.

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